WEBER MT CR7 Reversible Plate Compactor

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WEBER MT CR7 Reversible Plate Compactor : $22,540 AUD ($24,794 Inc. GST)
This reversible soil compactor stands out above the competition with it's superb compacting capacity & superior efficiency.
Machine made by Weber MT are always the number on choice - whether they're needed for classic applications in road building and civil engineering or for embedding pacing stones.
Their balanced operating characteristics and exceptionally smooth operation with low hand-arm vibrations provide for superb ease of use.
This high level of comfort is also guaranteed by the guide bar which can be folded up and locked as well as adjusted to the operator‘s body height
- Low vibration guide bar
- Height adjustable guide bar
- Hydraulic shift/infinitely variable forward & reverse travel
- Fully protected engine with protection frame and engine enclosure
- Unobstructed access to all maintenance points
- Self-adjusting centrifugal clutch
- E-start
- 2 year manufacturers warranty
- Fully German quality manufactured.
- Working speed of 0-24m/min.
- Full mechanical workshop and service support.
- Class Vibration Plates - 480kg
- Weight - 478kg
- Adj Plate Width - 600/800mm*
- Height - min. 855mm
- Plate Length On Surface - 1040mm
- Power - 10.5hp
- Centrif. Force - 60kN
- Fuel - Diesel
CR 7 CCD comes with optional equipped new COMPATROL® compaction control system thus providing the additional advantage of continuous compaction control and quality assurance of the compaction work performed.
- CF3 - $3,960 +GST
- CR3 - $8,670 +GST
- CR5 - $16,300 +GST
- SRV620 - $4,720 +GST
Please call Impact Attachments for any queries.